Mastering the Virtual Interview: Tips for a Successful Online Interview in 2024 1

Mastering the Virtual Interview: Tips for a Successful Online Interview in 2024

The prevalence of virtual interviews remains significant at the halfway point of 2024. Whether you are an experience candidate or searching for your first job, the skill of excelling at virtual interviewing can set you apart from the competition and open doors to excellent opportunities. We will list some practice you can use before, during, as well as after your interview to show your engagement with the role and leave a great first impression on the hiring staff. Preparing for Virtual Success The first step to having a great interview is to make sure you adequately prepare the night before to reduce the chances of obstacles/distractions on the day: Prepare and Check Your Technology: Check your internet connection, microphone, and camera are operational and up to date. Test everything beforehand in a mock interview to avoid technical difficulties. Dress Appropriately: Event though it is a virtual interview, dress professionally to show respect and seriousness about the opportunity. Treat a virtual interview just as you would any regular on-site interview which means business professional/casual depending on what the company has told you (if nothing, default to business professional). Select the Right Location in Your House/Apartment: Choose a room/area that has minimal distractions and is away from other family members, noise, or pets that could interrupt your train of thought during the interview. The background behind you during the interview should ideally be a blank wall/space without anything in the frame that can potentially distract your interviewer from you and what you are saying. If you don’t have access to a blank wall, Zoom and Microsoft Teams have a ‘blur background’ feature that only leaves you in focus while blurring anything behind you. Know Your Resume and Practice Your Elevator Pitch: Your resume is the main document. that hiring managers will have prior to the interview to gauge your past experience and overall quality as a candidate, so you can be sure they will be asking you to talk about the things on your resume! Crafting and perfecting a concise elevator pitch introduction showcasing your skills and why you are a great fit for the role is also a great way to make a first impression at the start of the interview. Research the Company and Interviewer(s):  Coming into the interview, you should know the ins and outs of the company to show genuine interest to the hiring manager – if you don’t bother to find out what the company is all about, then you are showing 0 interest to want to work there. Try and connect with the interviewer on LinkedIn and find out basic information such as their role, how long they have been at the company, how your prospective role fits into theirs, and any common interests outside of work (college, sports teams, hometown, pets, etc.) for easier small talk during the interview During the Interview Now that you have fully prepared for your interview, there are certain best practices that you can utilize during the interview to stand out: Notes are Fine, Scripts are Not: There is nothing wrong with having a couple of notes written down about key points you want to cover or some questions you wish to ask the interviewer. However, having a prepared script that you plan to read off of is a great way to make a negative impression on your interviewer. No matter how hard you try to make it sound natural, when you read from a script it will always be noticeable and come off as less impactful (especially over a video call). Just because the interview is taking place online, don’t think your interviewer will not be able to tell you are reading from a script on your screen! Look into Your Webcam, Not Your Reflection: Lets be honest, we have all looked at ourselves in a Zoom call before either to check how we look or to make sure our posture is appropriate. During your interview make it a point to look directly into the camera instead of your screen to show the interviewer you are paying attention and to maintain eye contact. It is okay to break eye contact temporarily but do not start staring at something else on your screen to avoid looking disinterested and zoned out. Don’t Perform a Monologue: Outside of your opening elevator pitch, the interview should really feel more like a conversation as opposed to a constant back and forth question and answer session. It is also important to remember than an interview is as much about listening as it is speaking; use your time with the hiring manager to learn more about the company you perhaps were not able to find out from your initial research. Maintain Good Body Language: When you are in a comfortable, familiar environment such as your home it is very easy to begin to relax and start slouching or swinging on your chair during your interview.  Watch Your Pace:  In nervous/stressful situations, people always subconsciously speed up when they are talking which can make it harder to understand what you are trying to say, especially over an online call when connection can already be an issue. Remind yourself to talk at a slower pace than you normally would to offset this and don’t forget to take pauses for effect/emphasis if there are certain points you want to stick with the interviewer. Show, Don’t Tell: To impress your hiring manager, you begin to say this during your interview: “You should hire me because I am hard-working and innovative professional with a proven track record of success.” Without any specific examples, this will leave them wondering how can I know they are hard-working. To combat this, make sure to show instead of tell! You can achieve this by using a personal anecdote/example of a time you were hard-working in your last job or a time during college as this will show your interviewer a tangible example of this quality and add to your credibility. Showcase Your Soft Skills:

The Ultimate Resume Guide for Landing Top Jobs 4

The Ultimate Resume Guide for Landing Top Jobs

In this edition of VC5 Consulting Insider, we have collated some key pieces of advice candidates can use to truly stand out to recruiters and get closer to landing their next job opportunity. Your resume is often the first impression recruiters have of you, so it is non-negotiable to have a polished resume to showcase your qualifications and skills. You want to show off your abilities, not your mistakes! What follows are several best practice tips and tricks you can use to elevate your resume in the eyes of recruiters: Focus on Relevant Skills and Experiences: Only include skills and experiences that are relevant to the industry you want to work in or, more specifically, the job role you want to land. You want recruiters to immediately see the relevant skills/experiences that make you a fit for that specific job Quantify Your Impact: Listing your previous job responsibilities is fine but you want to be more than just fine. By adding quantifiable metrics, you can show what impact you made not just that you did that job. For example, adding that you ‘increased conversions by 40% in your first quarter’ would be very attractive to recruiters Don’t Forget About Those Soft Skills: Soft skills (personal character traits such as adaptability and good communication) are as valued by recruiters and employers as hard skills. Employers are no longer simply hiring because you have years of experience in the industry/field, rather they are looking for people who will also seamlessly fit within the company culture and uphold organizational values Optimize Your Keywords: Modern companies often have applicant-tracking software (ATS) that will simply discard your resume if it does not contain certain keywords chosen by the hiring staff that are relevant to the job description. To avoid having your resume thrown out before reaching a manager, ensure to include relevant keywords (around 3-5) in your resume without overloading it unnecessarily. You will find the important keywords in the job description you are applying for as well as on the company website and social pages. Perfect Spelling and Formatting: It’s pretty simple, if you make a spelling mistake on your resume chances are you will not be considered for the job. There is no way around it, you have to be able to spell-check for any errors and remove them before recruiters find them. You do not want the hiring staff at your dream company to have a negative first impression of you after discovering spelling errors in your resume Review, Revise, and Refresh: Constantly sharpening and improving your resume with new experiences/qualifications is a great habit to develop and can only benefit you. It can be as little as adding another personal interest to the end of your resume, but everything will add up in the long run and this avoids potentially leaving big gaps in your resume that will generate hesitancy from recruiters/managers Formatting Best Practices The best resumes are simple, clutter-free, and do not confuse and distract the reader while they look through them. Optimal formatting of your resume will communicate your unique value proposition as a candidate with one quick skim through and leave hiring managers wanting to know more. If you present a poorly formatted resume, companies do not have time to wade through and find your most important experience and will simply move on to the next resume. The most common resume format used by professionals is the chronological resume which lists your experiences in reverse chronological order with your most recent role appearing first at the top of the page. This format is widely used as it communicates your relevant, recent experience upfront without any distractions so hiring managers don’t need to dig for what they are looking for. Consider the following example: The resume above is a great example of a concise and effective chronological resume that lists all of the candidate’s experience in reverse chronological order so the hiring staff can see their career progression and growth. You will also see a small summary section near the top of this example resume. This can be an effective way of conveying your value as a candidate by giving a quick elevator pitch style of introduction to yourself and the rest of your resume. If you decide to include a summary in your resume, do not make it more than a couple of sentences, and include an experience/skill that you think will best hook the reader into looking at the rest of your resume. Just as you do in the rest of your resume, use quantifiable metrics within the summary to showcase your value and stand out as a candidate. At the bottom of our example, there is a small section reserved for additional skills and other extras you want to include. This part of your resume is a great chance to include keywords that are important to the hiring company and role, so make sure to implement those and get picked up by the ATS systems that screen resumes. ⭐BONUS TIP⭐: Use action verbs for your bullet points to emphasize your impact and value – use verbs such as “Led”, “Planned”, “Coordinated”, and “Managed”, among many others to add an edge to your resume and showcase your experience in an engaging way! Are You Ready for a New Career-Boosting Job Opportunity? VC5 Consulting Can Help! Now that you have perfected your resume, contact one of our recruiters or check out our job board to get your journey to a new opportunity underway. We cannot wait to get to know you and help you find that job you have been searching for. Let us know of any resume tips you have discovered over the years, we would love to hear your thoughts. Best of luck in your job search!

Efficient AI Hiring - How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Recruiters 7

Efficient AI Hiring – How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Recruiters

In the latter half of 2023, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is ubiquitous in many industries most notably healthcare and education. However, an industry that may not instantly spring to mind for AI usage is recruiting and staffing. Today we will outline just how effective AI can be in streamlining a recruiter’s workflow as well as some challenges to look out for when over-relying on these artificial assistants. Benefits of AI in Staffing and Recruiting: Efficiency: AI can make daily manual tasks that recruiters spend too much time on (screening resumes, sending emails, scheduling correspondence) automated. This frees up hours in the day that can now be spent on more key tasks that require critical thinking. Improved Candidate Search: Instead of a recruiter manually looking through a candidate’s resume for educational level and skill set, AI can rapidly run through a resume/profile and present qualified candidates instantly based on the parameters you provide. 24/7 Employee: The great thing about AI is they don’t require the essentials that we do; you don’t need to let AI rest, eat, or give them PTO 2 weeks a year. So recruiting firms essentially have a 24/7/365 employee who will always be searching for potential candidates and opportunities. No Inherent (Human) Biases: No matter how much we deny it, as humans, we all have certain cognitive biases that affect how we perceive information. This is prevalent in looking through various candidates and their resumes, however, AI does not possess this capacity to develop biases. As a result, recruiters can heavily limit screening candidates with the inherent biases all humans possess through AI. Operational Cost Savings: Through task automation and improved efficiency, there is an overall increase in cost savings for staffing and recruiting firms. Time efficiency means cost efficiency and AI can assist significantly in saving recruiters from mundane, day-to-day tasks. “AI recruiting software will even learn what messaging used by the recruiter yielded the highest response with candidates. It will then automate these behaviors allowing recruiters to spend time on what matters most, relationships and revenue.” – LeoForce Challenges of AI to Keep in Mind: AI Regulation Compliance: When using AI in the hiring process, firms have to keep local and state laws in mind. For example, Illinois, Maryland, and New York City require employers to ask for consent if using AI during certain parts of hiring. So make sure to keep up to date with your region’s AI regulations to avoid legal problems. ( Algorithm Biases: Artificial intelligence only learns through the data/information we provide it. So, there is potential for human biases to infiltrate AI’s thinking through human input. Keep in mind that when using AI for hiring, biased data can lead to biased AI outputs. AI Can Make Mistakes: No matter how impressive AI can seem at times, it is still in development and this means mistakes happen. As a recruiter, make sure to double-check the candidates/information yielded from artificial intelligence and do not blindly use it to make your life easier. AI in Action at VC5 Consulting: Bailey Smith, Senior Recruiter at VC5 Consulting   This is Bailey Smith, a senior recruiter at VC5 Consulting these are the various ways Bailey uses AI in her recruitment process: “I use AI as a macro research tool when I need some more information on companies or specific types of jobs. For example, this week I used ChatGPT and Bard to discover more information about a new client we received. Gathering company information is critical in order to give my candidates the whole picture and then assess if they would be the right fit for that company.” “I also rely on AI tools to conduct competitive analysis. When a client provides us with a job opening, it is important to understand what their competitors are doing so I can see how our client differentiates themselves and then pass that on to candidates.” Summary: Overall, AI is an extremely powerful tool that recruiting and staffing firms can put to use in their daily workflows. We must keep in mind that AI capabilities are constantly evolving and growing, so its potential is unlimited and the applications will continue to improve. By finding particular use cases in your recruiting process, your firm will be able to optimize hours in the day and find more relevant candidates for your job openings. Feel free to leave a comment under this newsletter with any thoughts/ideas about AI and how you use it at your company!

VC5 Wins ESGR Patriotic Employer Award 9

VC5 Wins ESGR Patriotic Employer Award

VC5 Partners’ subsidiary, VC5 Consulting honored with the ESGR Patriotic Employer Award for Outstanding Support of Military Employees. Houston, TX – VC5 Consulting is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded the prestigious ESGR Patriotic Employer award in recognition of its unwavering commitment to supporting military employees. This esteemed accolade is bestowed upon employers who go above and beyond in providing exceptional support and understanding to their employees who serve in the National Guard and Reserve. ESGR, the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense dedicated to fostering positive working relationships between Reserve component service members and their civilian employers. The ESGR Patriotic Employer award serves as a testament to VC5 Consulting’s outstanding efforts in creating an inclusive and supportive work environment for its military-affiliated employees. The ESGR Patriotic Employer Award reflects VC5 Consulting’s commitment to upholding the values of patriotism, dedication, and community support. The company has implemented various initiatives to ensure that its military employees receive the utmost support and recognition they deserve. These initiatives include flexible scheduling to accommodate military duties, granting leaves of absence for training and deployments, and providing resources and assistance during the transition between military service and civilian employment. “We are incredibly honored to receive the ESGR Patriotic Employer award,” said Whitney Vanderslice, Managing Partner of VC5 Consulting. “At VC5 Consulting, we firmly believe in the importance of supporting our military employees and acknowledging their invaluable service to our nation. This award is a testament to our deep appreciation for their sacrifices and our commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace culture.” VC5 Consulting’s recognition with the ESGR Patriotic Employer award showcases its dedication to supporting and honoring military employees, as well as its commitment to corporate social responsibility and community engagement. The company remains steadfast in its mission to provide an environment where all employees, including those serving in the military, can thrive and reach their fullest potential. About VC5 Consulting: VC5 Consulting is a leading consulting firm specializing in IT, Accounting, and Finance. With a focus on recruiting, VC5 Consulting has established a reputation for delivering exceptional results for its clients. The company values diversity, inclusivity, and a strong sense of community, which is reflected in its unwavering support for military employees.

VC5 Consulting Makes the Inc. 5000 List 10

VC5 Consulting Makes the Inc. 5000 List

For the 5th Time, VC5 Consulting Appears on the Inc. 5000 Inc. Magazine Reveals Annual List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies—the Inc. 5000 NEW YORK, August 17, 2021 – Inc. magazine today revealed that VC5 Consulting appeared for the fifth time on the annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent small businesses. Intuit, Zappos, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000. “To be on the Inc 5000 fastest growing list five years in a row only happens when you have an incredibly dedicated team.  I am so excited to be a part of this organization,” said Whitney Vanderslice, Managing Partner of VC5. Not only have the companies on the 2021 Inc. 5000 been very competitive within their markets, but this year’s list also proved especially resilient and flexible given 2020’s unprecedented challenges. Among the 5,000, the average median three-year growth rate soared to 543 percent, and median revenue reached $11.1 million. Together, those companies added more than 610,000 jobs over the past three years. Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found at The top 500 companies are featured in the September issue of Inc., which will be available on newsstands on August 20. “The 2021 Inc. 5000 list feels like one of the most important rosters of companies ever compiled,” says Scott Omelianuk, editor-in-chief of Inc. “Building one of the fastest-growing companies in America in any year is a remarkable achievement. Building one in the crisis we’ve lived through is just plain amazing. This kind of accomplishment comes with hard work, smart pivots, great leadership, and the help of a whole lot of people.”   More about VC5 Consulting VC5 Consulting (formerly Rekruiters) is an award-winning full-service consulting group consisting of two divisions, each with specialized missions: VC5 Finance and Accounting VC5 Technology and Software Development We live by the motto, People First. We believe putting the interests of clients, job seekers and employees ahead of everything else is the key to the success of our company. We were founded by award-winning industry executives with over twenty years of experience in consulting and recruiting services. They served as executives at some of the largest firms in the industry and have founded multiple consulting firms from the startup phase. VC5 Consulting has been named as one of the Best Places to Work by the Houston Business Journal for three consecutive years, as well as Inc 5000 Fastest-Growing lists.  More about Inc. and the Inc. 5000 Methodology Companies on the 2021 Inc. 5000 are ranked according to percentage revenue growth from 2017 to 2020. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2017. They must be U.S.-based, privately held, for-profit, and independent—not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies—as of December 31, 2020. (Since then, some on the list may have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2017 is $100,000; the minimum for 2020 is $2 million. As always, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants for subjective reasons. Growth rates used to determine company rankings were calculated to three decimal places. There was one tie on this year’s Inc. 5000.  Companies on the Inc. 500 are featured in Inc.’s September issue. They represent the top tier of the Inc. 5000, which can be found at   About Inc. Media The world’s most trusted business-media brand, Inc. offers entrepreneurs the knowledge, tools, connections, and community to build great companies. Its award-winning multiplatform content reaches more than 50 million people each month across a variety of channels including websites, newsletters, social media, podcasts, and print. Its prestigious Inc. 5000 list, produced every year since 1982, analyzes company data to recognize the fastest-growing privately held businesses in the United States. The global recognition that comes with inclusion in the 5000 gives the founders of the best businesses an opportunity to engage with an exclusive community of their peers and the credibility that helps them drive sales and recruit talent. The associated Inc. 5000 Vision Conference is part of a highly acclaimed portfolio of bespoke events produced by Inc. For more information, visit For more information on the Inc. 5000 Vision Conference, visit

Rekruiters is now VC5 Consulting 11

Rekruiters is now VC5 Consulting

Rekruiters is now VC5 Consulting! Rekruiters, a VC5 Partners company, has rebranded to VC5 Consulting to showcase services and consolidate brands. [Houston, Texas]. Rekruiters, an award-winning full-service staffing group, announced today that it has completed a major rebranding. The rebrand to VC5 Consulting reflects the way the company plans to grow in coming years, as well as highlighting all existing services. Rekruiters was founded as a full-service staffing company in 2012 and has since expanded into three divisions: Technology, Accounting and Finance, and Devvelopers. The company will continue to provide the same services and level of excellence that clients have come to expect. The company will change its name to VC5 Consulting, as well as release new logos to reflect the changes. All social media platforms will also be changed to reflect the rebranding. Visit to explore the new website, brand, and office. About VC5 Consulting We live by the motto, People First. We believe putting the interests of clients, job seekers and employees ahead of everything else is the key to the success of our company. We were founded by award-winning industry executives with over twenty years’ experience in staffing. They served as executives at some of the largest firms in the industry and have founded multiple staffing firms from the startup phase. VC5 Consulting (formerly Rekruiters) has been named as one of the Top Twenty Staffing Firms in Houston by the Houston Business Journal as well as one of the Best Places to Work and Inc 5000 fastest growing lists. In addition, the founders of Rekruiters have a history of creating award-winning organizations.

Ultimate Guide to Future-Proof Your Skills 12

Ultimate Guide to Future-Proof Your Skills

Written by Artur Meyster We usually talk about robotics and artificial intelligence like it wasn’t already here or as if it was a futuristic thing. However, automation is already disrupting every single industry, and there’s no way to escape. In the future, there might be jobs that don’t even exist today. So what can we do to avoid losing our roles in the future? What can we do to avoid being obsolete? Today we’ll show you some ways to future-proof your skills. Why You Should Prepare for the Future of Work We’ve experienced three industrial revolutions during human history. The first one with the invention of a new manufacturing dynamic in which people learned how to use water to generate power. The second industrial revolution came with the invention of electricity, and the third one is the one we’re currently living in the computer era. Now, is there a fourth revolution around the corner? Most experts think that the fourth revolution is already in its early stages with self-driving cars, 3D printers, and virtual reality. This fourth revolution will significantly affect the work environment, just like the other three did at first. According to the BBC, robots will replace up to 20 million factory jobs by 2030. It doesn’t mean that humans won’t be working at any job in the future. What it means is that some people might migrate from one profession to another to adapt to the future of work. Here are some tips you should consider if you want to future-proof your skills. Adopt a Resilient Mindset Technology is constantly changing. Therefore we cannot expect to remain with the same skills forever. You need to become a life-long learner to be able to work in the future of work. One of the essential soft skills you’ll need is resilience. In an actively changing world, you’ll need to be able to adapt to situations and trends. Those employees who are innovative and resilient won’t be threatened by tech disruption. There are several ways to be resilient in a disruptive world. The best way to deal with change is to embrace it. Create a Digital Footprint In a digital world, you can’t expect to use old methods to build your portfolio. You no longer have to print a CV and attend physical meetings. In today’s world, you need to have a digital footprint. To make yourself some room in the future of work, you need to create an online presence. You need to create a website and optimize your profile on platforms like LinkedIn or Indeed. Whether you’re a software developer or a digital designer, you should show your work online. If you’re a developer and want to show your computer skills resume, the best way to do it is through your own website. If you have a more artistic profession such as design, there are other platforms like Behance to show your skills. Learn a New Tech Skill If you’re a non-techie person, but you’d like to dive into the tech world, there are many ways to break into tech. You no longer have to study a bachelor’s degree in computer science. You can learn from experience and even take a coding bootcamp. Today, if you want to become a data scientist with no degree, you can do it because most companies have ditched their strict requirements of a bachelor’s degree. If you’d like to learn a new tech skill, maybe you should consider learning the more in-demand ones. According to CNBC, some of those are JavaScript, Python, and Amazon Web Services. Find a Tech Skill Equivalent to Your Profession. Sometimes you don’t want to switch careers because you’ve invested too much time and effort into your profession. Therefore, it’s hard to ditch your current occupation for a different one. If this is the case for you, we have a solution. You don’t need to start over to enter the tech industry; you can find a tech equivalent to your current career. This is good because you’ll have a rich background that could benefit you. Here are some tech skills for career changers who don’t want to start over. Finance → Data Analyst If you have a financial background, you already have something in your favor. People with a financial background have a fundamental knowledge of statistics and data analysis. That’s why the best equivalent for these careers could be data science. Data scientists filter, scrape, and analyze data to find meaningful insights. The good thing about learning data science is that this career offers a high salary. According to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics, the salary of data scientists is over $120,000. Journalist → Digital Marketer Journalists are content creators by nature. Therefore, if you’re a journalist who wants to dive into the tech industry, you could try learning digital marketing. As a digital marketer, you need to have excellent communication skills and understand marketing fundamentals such as SEO and social media management. Journalists are used to dealing with the content creation dynamic so digital marketing can be a functional tech equivalent. Graphic Designer → Web Designer Graphic designers and web developers are very compatible. They both design digital products with similar tools such as Photoshop or Illustrator. If you’re a graphic designer and you’d like to have a technical career, you can learn web design. As a web designer, you’ll be creating layouts and buttons for software or websites. Conclusion If you want to continue being valuable for companies in the future of work, you need to learn new skills that will be indispensable in the future. This is the best way to future-proof your skills. And if you don’t want to start over, you can find an equivalent to your career in the tech industry. Remember that soft skills are still important. Therefore, you should embrace them by having a resilient mindset and being innovative. Artur Meyster is the CTO of Career Karma (YC W19), an online marketplace that matches career switchers with coding bootcamps. He

Rekruiters on Inc. 5000 list for the 3rd year 13

Rekruiters on Inc. 5000 list for the 3rd year

  Inc. Magazine Unveils Its Annual List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies—the Inc. 5000 For the 3rd Time in 3 years, Rekruiters Appears on the Inc. 5000, Ranking No. 2809 Inc. magazine today revealed that Rekruiters is No. 2809 on its annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents a unique look at the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent small businesses. Microsoft, Dell, Domino’s Pizza, Pandora, Timberland, LinkedIn, Yelp, Zillow, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000. “Rekruiters has a strategic and thoughtful approach to the industry. Our clients value our consultative selling approach and our consultants can trust and endorse us. We have a desire to consistently learn and grow and this is what has allowed us to see remarkable growth over the years,” said Veronica Zapata, Partner”.  Rekruiters, which was founded in 2012 was structured around one idea: People first. Putting their clients and consultants first allowed the company to grow rapidly and double their revenue in 2018. Rekruiters is a specialized staffing firm in both the IT and Finance/Accounting industries and currently does business in many states across the United States. “Rekruiters consists of great people. We motivate and encourage each other every day and it is what makes our company so incredible. The leadership truly invests in our employees, to allow and optimize each person’s potential. The last 6 years have been an incredible ride watching the company grow and transform into what it is today,” said Meg Steward, Partner. Not only have the companies on the 2019 Inc. 5000 been very competitive within their markets, but the list as a whole shows staggering growth compared with prior lists. The 2019 Inc. 5000 achieved an astounding three-year average growth of 454 percent, and a median rate of 157 percent. The Inc. 5000’s aggregate revenue was $237.7 billion in 2018, accounting for 1,216,308 jobs over the past three years.  Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found at  “The companies on this year’s Inc. 5000 have followed so many different paths to success,” says Inc. editor in chief James Ledbetter. “There’s no single course you can follow or investment you can take that will guarantee this kind of spectacular growth. But what they have in common is persistence and seizing opportunities.”  The annual Inc. 5000 event honoring the companies on the list will be held October 10 to 12, 2019, at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa in Phoenix, Arizona. As always, speakers include some of the greatest innovators and business leaders of our generation. More about Inc. and the Inc. 5000  Methodology The 2019 Inc. 5000 is ranked according to percentage revenue growth when comparing 2015 and 2018. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2015. They had to be U.S.-based, privately held, for profit, and independent—not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies—as of December 31, 2018. (Since then, a number of companies on the list have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2015 is $100,000; the minimum for 2018 is $2 million. As always, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants for subjective reasons. Companies on the Inc. 500 are featured in Inc ’s September issue. They represent the top tier of the Inc. 5000, which can be found at  About Inc. Media Founded in 1979 and acquired in 2005 by Mansueto Ventures, Inc. is the only major brand dedicated exclusively to owners and managers of growing private companies, with the aim to deliver real solutions for today’s innovative company builders. Inc.took home the National Magazine Award for General Excellence in both 2014 and 2012. The total monthly audience reach for the brand has been growing significantly, from 2,000,000 in 2010 to more than 20,000,000 today. For more information, visit  The Inc. 5000 is a list of the fastest-growing private companies in the nation. Started in 1982, this prestigious list has become the hallmark of entrepreneurial success. The Inc. 5000 Conference & Awards Ceremony is an annual event that celebrates the remarkable achievements of these companies. The event also offers informative workshops, celebrated keynote speakers, and evening functions.  For more information on Inc. and the Inc. 5000 Conference, visit

5 Misconceptions About Recruiting Agencies: Candidate Edition 14

5 Misconceptions About Recruiting Agencies: Candidate Edition

Hey, we get it! We aren’t always understood by the public and we are here to change that! There are many wrong assumptions, made daily, by people regarding recruiting agencies. Here are some common misconceptions that we want to clear up: We Take Your Money: We don’t take a dime from you! We work for you because we know how hard the job search can be. Don’t worry about how we get paid just leave that to us and let us find you the perfect job! We are only paid by a client when we find them the best candidate so this ensures our focus remains on finding the right fit for both parties. We Only Care About Getting a Role Filled: At the end of the day we have a huge responsibility to both you and our clients, who are looking for the perfect candidate. If either party isn’t happy with the placement, we aren’t successful! There is a balancing act to recruiting and we strive to find you the job you are dreaming of as well as make the right choice on behalf of our clients. Trust us, we’re good at this! You Will Make Less if You Go Through a Staffing Agency: If this was the case, would we be so successful? Definitely not! We strive to not only find the best fit for you but to negotiate salary wise on your behalf as well. This is not to say that you will not have an opportunity at any point to negotiate yourself, but we do the work upfront for you initially so that we can bring you the best options! We Will Only Place You for Temporary Positions: Tell us what you want and we will make it happen! Whether it’s part-time, full-time, temporary or temp to hire positions that you are looking for, we have options! We work with a plethora of companies who are constantly looking to fill all types of positions. We Only Help Entry-Level Candidates: We love working with all candidates, regardless if you have been in the workplace for years or are a recent graduate. No matter your level of personal experience, you are reading this for a reason. Let us help you! It’s ok that you may need assistance when looking for a position and it’s even more okay to explore all of your options in order to find that assistance. Stay open to all avenues in the job search, because you never know what might be the ticket to your dream job! Contact us if you are ready to take the leap, IT’S OUR JOB!

Summary vs. Objective: Resume Edition 15

Summary vs. Objective: Resume Edition

The old Summary vs. Objective argument. We have all dealt with the struggles of fine-tuning our resumes in some fashion during our lifetime, and this is a topic that a lot of people seem to struggle with. After speaking with a few hiring managers, I would say that although it doesn’t necessarily tend to be a make it or break it issue when looking to fill a position, it is important and should be thoughtfully decided by the candidate. The most important question to consider when making this decision is, “What is the job that you are applying for?” Is it an entry level position? Is it a position that relies on proving your previous success? Is it a job based on statistics or sales? All of these questions are equally as important and we will dive into that now.  If this is your first position out of college or you are making an industry switch, most would say that an objective is probably better suited for you based off of your little experience. If the job you are striving for is an executive level sales position however, an objective statement would only be telling the recruiter/ hiring manager what they already know. In circumstances like this, the summary would be better suited so that you can start out by listing previous accomplishments. This will initiate a spark of interest on their behalf because you fall into the category of experience in which they are looking for. Let’s take a look at some examples to further explain the thought process: OBJECTIVE “Strives to obtain a position as a customer service representative for ABC services where I can connect and help others while serving the overall business of the company” In this circumstance, the Objective would be a better fit due to the fact that it is not a senior level position, nor a position that is dependent on your past experience. SUMMARY “In my 20 years as an account manager in the advertising industry, I have handled over 250 different accounts all while helping create a revenue amounted to nearly a million dollars.” In this circumstance, you can see that the position being applied for is at a more advanced level, and listing off your accolades seems necessary. As long as you thoughtfully contemplate the tips given above, you will have no issue crafting the opening of your resume, that we know will land you your dream job! We believe in you!